Ken's Blog Holy Land

Hi! After about 18 months of persuasion, Mark finally convinced me to take a trip to Israel/Palestine! This is our travelblog. Thanks for checking it out!

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Location: San Francisco, CA, United States

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Tuesday, August 8

It's a cultural thing

I cannot seem to get used to the way people here "discuss". Dialogue is impassioned and stubborn and opinionated. People will even argue two completely contradictory positions in the same breath. And just because an Israeli is liberal or tolerant on one topic does not mean he or she will be so tolerant about another. It scares me to talk to people here sometimes.

But that's Israelis.

On my mom's Filipino side of the family, we argue a little, but mostly we gossip. It's called chismis. The Aunties, the mature women in the family, drag out every little detail about someone and their problems to discuss at great length and enthusiasm. Eventually, they'll come to some kind of consensus about things, and some course of action will be recommended.

Different system I guess.


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